怎的倒這麼早就來了。」. 卻。 《朱子語類·卷三九·論語·先進篇上》:「如今人恁地文理細密,倒未必好,寧可是白直粗疏底人。」 《紅樓夢·第一九回》:「你倒說說,我還要怎麼留你?我。
隧道盡頭的亮光 light at the end of the tunnel phrase signs of improvement in a situation that has been bad for a long time, or signs that a long and difficult piece of work is almost finished:
大象力大無窮,卻性情溫和;憨態可掬,又誠實忠厚;且能負重遠行,被視作吉祥、力量的象徵,也被人們稱為獸中之德者。 而在神話傳說。
申 † Original form of 電 / 电 (diàn, “lightning”). to extend; to stretch; to state; to explain 三令五申 ― sānlìngwǔshēn ― to repeat and reaffirm the commands multiple times; to request; to report; to announce; to express † again; repeatedly
1、厨房风水装修的基本原则. 厨房是生产、补充我们所需营养的地方。怎样能提升烹煮者的愉快心情,做出卫生、可口、色香味俱全的佳肴,是决定全家人是否健康的重要关键。
倒 意思